In recent years, the world of Jewish literature has grown tremendously, with books of all genres and topics available to readers of all ages. However, there are many people for whom reading is a challenge, or who lack the motivation and confidence to pursue higher-level reading. While the secular literary world has addressed these needs by creating the audiobook, from the early “books-on-tape” to the more advanced digital versions, there has been no equivalent in the Jewish market. Until now. The Yehuda Mond Foundation, the developer of the torah audio website, is b’ezras Hashem preparing to launch offers free downloads of tens of thousands of shiurim on a broad range of topics, given by prominent rabbonim and popular lecturers. Baruch Hashem the site has been a powerful tool for harbotzas Torah with almost 3000 shiurim being downloaded a day, six days a week. The new site,, will b’ezras Hashem offer free downloadable recordings of Jewish audiobooks targeting older children and young adults. The goal is to b’H engage those reluctant readers and children struggling with reading skills, affording them the opportunity to take pleasure in, and learn from, the plethora of novels and English seforim available to them. Alongside each free download will be a link to purchase the book—to encourage the reluctant reader to follow along with the audio and to help authors and publishers market their work! will operate under the guidance of prominent rabbonim. All books on the site will be in line with Torah hashkofos and appropriate for a frum audience. and the purchase link alongside the download button will be an excellent marketing tool. Please consider giving permission to record and share your book/s in audio or help us by sending in your own recording of your book.